For Children

For Children

Bible Explorers
In Mark 10:14 Christ tells His disciples to “Suffer the little children to come unto Me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God”. This shows the care and love that Christ had for children and how important it is to encourage them to “Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth…” Ecclesiastes 12:1.
We, the believers at Newry Gospel Hall, want to share the good news of the Gospel through our programme: ‘Bible Explorers’. This runs once a week during the months of September to February from 6.45pm-7.30pm in both Bessbrook and Newry. At ‘Bible Explorers’ we want each child to come to know and accept the Lord Jesus Christ as their personal Saviour through hearing, learning and understanding the many precious truths contained in God’s Word, the Bible. We structure our time at ‘Bible Explorers’ to create an atmosphere that is fun and interactive by singing children’s choruses, learning memory verses, having Bible quizzes and listening to and learning a Bible story. We encourage each of our Bible Explorers to participate, with prizes for attendance, reciting the memory verse and much more.
‘Bible Explorers’ is open to children aged 4 plus and if you would like any further details please contact Alan on 078 4949 8849.
We have an up-to-date Child Protection Policy for working with children on this website if you would like to read it.
Bible Explorers
In Mark 10:14 Christ tells His disciples to “Suffer the little children to come unto Me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God”. This shows the care and love that Christ had for children and how important it is to encourage them to “Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth…” Ecclesiastes 12:1.
We, the believers at Newry Gospel Hall, want to share the good news of the Gospel through our programme: ‘Bible Explorers’. This runs once a week during the months of September to February from 6.45pm-7.30pm in both Bessbrook and Newry. At ‘Bible Explorers’ we want each child to come to know and accept the Lord Jesus Christ as their personal Saviour through hearing, learning and understanding the many precious truths contained in God’s Word, the Bible. We structure our time at ‘Bible Explorers’ to create an atmosphere that is fun and interactive by singing children’s choruses, learning memory verses, having Bible quizzes and listening to and learning a Bible story. We encourage each of our Bible Explorers to participate, with prizes for attendance, reciting the memory verse and much more.
‘Bible Explorers’ is open to children aged 4 plus and if you would like any further details please contact Alan on 078 4949 8849.
We have an up-to-date Child Protection Policy for working with children on this website if you would like to read it.

Bible Exhibition
The Bible, to this day, is the world’s best selling book. This is a huge achievement in itself but what makes this book so special is that it is the actual Words of God, telling us about who God is, who we are, where we came from and how we can have a personal relationship with God through the Lord Jesus Christ, His Son. God tells us in Proverbs 22:6 to “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it”, emphasising why it is important to understand the lessons from the Bible when we are young.
As we believe that the Bible is an essential book to read and understand we have enjoyed welcoming the ‘Bible Exhibition Scotland’ and the ‘Journey2Where Bible Exhibition’ to our hall. The Exhibition gives a snapshot into why the Bible is the greatest book you can own and read. It gives the attendees an overview of who the author of the Bible is, how and why it was written, whether we can trust what it says to be true and how it can completely transform our lives. The Exhibition has been coming to our hall every other year since 2012 for a week, when we invite Primary Schools to visit. They are given a guided tour, learn lots of fun facts, have an interactive quiz on what they have learned and then leave with an exit pack. The Exhibition is available to be viewed by the general public during the evenings as well. We have also more recently been able to visit Primary and Secondary Schools with the Bible Exhibition itself, giving more opportunities to share the Bible with students.
Primary Schools
As part of our outreach in the local community we have been invited into a number of different schools to take their morning assemblies during which we share stories from the Bible with quizzes and the opportunity to memorise verses from the Bible. We thoroughly enjoy our time in the different schools and see it as a great privilege to share the Bible with so many young people in our locality.
We also run the Barnabas Award in many different schools which is awarded to a pupil who shows themselves to be a ‘Barnabas’. The name Barnabas means ‘encourager’ and his story can be found in the book of Acts where he helps, supports and encourages Paul in his work of telling people about the Lord Jesus Christ. The pupil who receives this award will be someone who is kind, considerate, encouraging of others and putting others before themselves. The Class Teacher, Headteacher and other staff members actively participate in nominating the winner each year.
If you would like more information about school assemblies, the Barnabas Award or would like to participate in either or both, then please contact Alan on 078 4949 8849.
Bible Exhibition
The Bible, to this day, is the world’s best selling book. This is a huge achievement in itself but what makes this book so special is that it is the actual Words of God, telling us about who God is, who we are, where we came from and how we can have a personal relationship with God through the Lord Jesus Christ, His Son. God tells us in Proverbs 22:6 to “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it”, emphasising why it is important to understand the lessons from the Bible when we are young.
As we believe that the Bible is an essential book to read and understand we have enjoyed welcoming the ‘Bible Exhibition Scotland’ and the ‘Journey2Where Bible Exhibition’ to our hall. The Exhibition gives a snapshot into why the Bible is the greatest book you can own and read. It gives the attendees an overview of who the author of the Bible is, how and why it was written, whether we can trust what it says to be true and how it can completely transform our lives. The Exhibition has been coming to our hall every other year since 2012 for a week, when we invite Primary Schools to visit. They are given a guided tour, learn lots of fun facts, have an interactive quiz on what they have learned and then leave with an exit pack. The Exhibition is available to be viewed by the general public during the evenings as well. We have also more recently been able to visit Primary and Secondary Schools with the Bible Exhibition itself, giving more opportunities to share the Bible with students.
Primary Schools
As part of our outreach in the local community we have been invited into a number of different schools to take their morning assemblies during which we share stories from the Bible with quizzes and the opportunity to memorise verses from the Bible. We thoroughly enjoy our time in the different schools and see it as a great privilege to share the Bible with so many young people in our locality.
We also run the Barnabas Award in many different schools which is awarded to a pupil who shows themselves to be a ‘Barnabas’. The name Barnabas means ‘encourager’ and his story can be found in the book of Acts where he helps, supports and encourages Paul in his work of telling people about the Lord Jesus Christ. The pupil who receives this award will be someone who is kind, considerate, encouraging of others and putting others before themselves. The Class Teacher, Headteacher and other staff members actively participate in nominating the winner each year.
If you would like more information about school assemblies, the Barnabas Award or would like to participate in either or both, then please contact Alan on 078 4949 8849.
Newry Gospel Hall
66 Damolly Road, Newry, BT34 1QR
Newry Gospel Hall
66 Damolly Road, Newry, BT34 1QR
Newry Gospel Hall
66 Damolly Road, Newry, BT34 1QR